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2024-04-18 06:19    点击次数:164




Beijing Xinghua Esports Company is a leading electronic sports company that has broken the spatial limitations and is leading the development of electronic sports in the new era. The company focuses on developing high-quality gaming content and promoting esports on a global scale. In this article, we will discuss the history, achievements, and future prospects of Beijing Xinghua Esports Company.


Beijing Xinghua Esports Company was founded in 2015 and started as a small gaming company that focused on casual games. However, the company’s leadership realized the potential of esports and decided to shift their focus to developing esports content. The company’s first breakthrough came in 2016 when they partnered with Tencent to launch the first-ever Tencent League of Legends Pro League (LPL) in China. This partnership helped Beijing Xinghua Esports Company gain recognition as a major player in the esports industry.


Over the years, Beijing Xinghua Esports Company has achieved several milestones in the esports industry. In 2017, the company successfully hosted the LPL Spring Split finals in Beijing’s Water Cube, which is the same venue that hosted the swimming events during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. This event attracted over 30,000 spectators and brought international attention to Beijing Xinghua Esports Company and the LPL. In 2018, the company organized the “China Joy Cup,” which is the largest esports tournament in Asia. This event had a prize pool of over $700,000 and attracted over 200,000 spectators both online and offline.

Future Prospects

Beijing Xinghua Esports Company has ambitious plans for the future. The company plans on building a world-class esports stadium in Beijing that will rival other major stadiums such as the Bird’s Nest and Water Cube. This stadium will have state-of-the-art technology and will be able to host major international esports tournaments. The company also plans on expanding its presence globally by partnering with other major gaming and esports companies. Beijing Xinghua Esports Company is committed to promoting esports as a legitimate sport and will continue to be at the forefront of the esports industry.


Beijing Xinghua Esports Company is a true pioneer in the esports industry. The company has made significant contributions to the industry and has helped push esports into the mainstream. With its ambitious plans for the future, Beijing Xinghua Esports Company is poised to continue leading the way in the development of the esports industry.

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